Monday, January 25, 2010

What's happening?

Butler's Bouncers
First thing's first previously in this article about a group formerly known as Butler's Bouncers: They are no more. Due to decisions made by the group and myself we will no longer be carrying the act of T-Shirts and neighborhood recognition of one another with Butler's Bouncer T-Shirts, no matter how good the idea was. With that being said I encourage viewers of this blog to comment and give us nicknames for the viewers of this blog. R.I.P. Butler's Bouncers after of only being a term used for approximately 3 hours. Anyways....

Co-ed Gym Class
With that being said I just got back from Co-ed Basketball class which is what I would like to talk about today. With gym class being co-educational most people at first would say wow Jake with your defensive skill set, jumping ability, and overall skill of the game you may be able to impress the ladies by showing your basketball prowess.Well one you're an idiot my friend, and two Jake Butler is a team player he does not try to show off his skills he tries to make the team as a whole better.

The second problem with co-ed basketball is that I play hard. I mean sorry its just the nature of the beast that I am. I'm not the only one that necessarily plays hard but in a gym class full of girls its hard to play to my full potential. Just the other day another one of my fellow basketball classmates ran into a girl because he was playing hard, luckily no one was hurt, however, we were lucky this time next time someone could seriously be injured. Let's face I'm a lover not a fighter I hate to see anyone get hurt, so when a girl comes into the lane I'm faced with the tough decision of letting her score an easy basket or sending her shit home. One time I sent this one girl's weak stuff out of bounds from that point on I vowed that if a girl would come into the lane on me I would simply just get out of the way to avoid the guilt.

I'm not denying some girls can play with the guys and some are even better than the guys in this class, but as a man I have a predisposition to not try and give a girl an unnecessary bump or shove. I could be wrong but I believe it was once Ghandi who said "If you can't play hard in Co-education gym class basketball because of the set conditions then you either have two options 1. Go hard or 2. Go Home." I think Ghandi's message was right on point and from here on out I will of course try to limit my running into of the girls in class, however I will go hard. Thank you for hearing me out on this one Bouncers.

For Your Listening Pleasure

You know I think they're onto something, Love is the answer.

Final Thoughts

I will be taking feedback and feel free to comment and spread the word about this blog. Also I would just like to say the name for you reader's is up for debate as viewers of this blog and I and the other bloggers will be taking every name into consideration. Thank you.

-Keep Your Expectations Low and Your Game High

Jake Butler

1 comment:

  1. Jake I agree with you, you should go hard in Co-ed gym class. Those girls knew what they were getting into when they signed up for co-ed gym, this isn't elementary gym class any more, shit gets rough. I applaud your courtesy to the ladies of the court but like I'm sayin this ain't elementary gym class no more, if I were you I'd be throwin mad bow's, driving hard to the hoop and giving out some stuffing like it was thanksgiving. Make those ladies earn your respect. In the words of Pope John Paul II "If you can't handle the heat, stay the fuck out the kitchen." Go hard Jake, go very hard.
