Friday, April 16, 2010

Beauty's Where You Find It, Not Just Where You Bump and Grind It

Ahoy Ahoy Groovers! (Alexander Graham Bell, don'tcha know?)

Long time reader, first time blogger. I am honored to be the newest member of the GA team. I gotta say - this opening post of mine is a little nerve racking but alas, I must push onward. My topic this week: HELL-O the highly anticipated mid-season premiere of that one show about the losers who sing? Oh, yeah GLEEEEEEE. Just joking with ya kids, you all know I live, breath, and dream this groovy show. It all started on that wednesday evening in the month of May 2009 after American Idol. As I sat and watched in amazement.. well, thats another story. Basically, its the night I fell in love and became a gleeK. Back to the important stuff, I have to say that the season comeback lived up to the hype. Lots of sue sylvester's spitful, yet comical, snipes at mr. shu along with some delightful and shocking surprises.

We opened with Rachel and Finn OFFICIALLY dating. Wow, I gotta say - this was something I think all us female gleeks were looking forward to, just maybe not this soon?? We soon found that there were troubles with Rachel being too high-maintenance. Now, if Rachel's high maintenance then I have red hair. Oh wait... Anyways, this situation leads into our first musical number of the episode - Hello, I love you. (Finn, hello. I love you and I WILL tell you my name.) After his rockstar moment causing some intense feelings of desire from ... kurt - he broke it off with that gold-star Rachel. Shocker. Rachel then starts to spontaneously sing/stare at/date a newcomer on the show - Jessie St. James. Hmmm. that name, just kinda rubs me the wrong way... well maybe its that moppy head of hair of his or the fact im just jealous I didn't see him in Spring Awakening or the way he can stare a woman down while making out with another one.

We were introduced to the beginnings of another relationship we were all waiting for - Shu and Emma. That pearly white harbor sneak attack of a kiss kept us wanting more. With her cute little sweaters and tiny suitcases filled with dental supplies in hand, we think this is a start of a very cute couple until we see that mr. shu is what the french call 'les incompetents.' Well, not really, just that he likes making out with Idina Menzel. I mean cmon, she played Mimi in RENT anddd Alphaba in Wicked. Pretty awesome, but - bad for the plot line.

Sue has been keeping busy since we've last seen her. Convinced Principle Figgins to give her job back by drugging him and using his body as a playground. Apparently whipped cream was involved.. oh and a little blow in the ear. (now that doesn't sound right) but ya know what i mean.. She delivered many of her hilarious one-liners including a favorite of mine: you two should be wetting yourselves with shame. Also, the use of the old maids club was a clever tactic on her part. And lemme tell you - the fact that the championship wrestler now stays at home making out with her cat and watching ghost whisperer is a scary thing to hear....

ONE WORD: Brittany. This girl is becoming a crowd favorite and I can see why. Not only is she cute as a button but she's dumb as a post. I first started paying attention to this girl about mid-way through the first half of the season when our own Zach Harr expressed his love for her. Her look of constant day-dreaming mixed with her ever so pleasing comments add a definite comedic flair to the show. And the fact that Sue puts so much of her "revenge tactics" in Brittany's hands is a hilarious aspect as well. Brittany and Santana's attempts at woo-ing Finn were about as productive as when Puck tried to dump Quinn for being too fat. I mean sometimes I forget my middle name but I never did know that dolphins were gay sharks.

To wrap things up, I sincerely hope Rachel and Finn patch things back up. Although I'm enjoying the role reversals of Finn chasing Rachel, it takes away from that "glee club flair" during musical numbers. Watching Rachel look like shes about to cry and running away from Finn during Hello, Goodbye prevented me from enjoying it as much as I wanted to. But, thats just me. Our extra Madonna music video was AMAZING. Sue's almost exact rendition of the original Vogue video was entertaining yet as always, classic Sue. My excitement for Tuesday's all Madonna episode is just growing and GROWING by the minute. I'm sure there will be plenty cone-shaped bras and blue eye shadow to satisfy us all. I hope you all tune in.
For your listening pleasure + a little madonna sneak peak -
Until next week groovers.. don't stop believin' - Allison

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